Monday, 18 May 2009

Shoot is over, see you again next time!

The Session 09 in Bristol is over! Its been a fantastic day, over 100 models of all age ranges, ethnicity, looks and styles attended and a great day was had by all!

We're off now to start the task of picking the best photos of each model, as you can imagine, it'll be a long day tomorrow!

Here's Hannah, our final model of the shoot, filming her interview for ModelsDirect TV.

You can check out a great selection of flickr pics here:

See you next time!!

Almost there!

Well, we're nearing the end, just 3 more groups left. It's been a fantastic day, great to get to meet all of the models, and great to see them so excited!

Also brilliant to see the range of models we have... So far we've met a little girl playing guitar, a yoga master, a martial arts expert and a 6 year old ABBA tribute!

Keep up with the photos at our flickr pool here:

Phew! I'll try to update once more before we leave...

Bristol The Session 09

Originally uploaded by thesession09
A new group of models ready themselves for the shoot!

Filming at The Session 09=

Originally uploaded by thesession09
Family of three being filmed for Models Direct TV

Here we go!

The Session 09 is underway!

Despite the joy of yesterday's rail strike, we got here OK, and we've a prime position watching over the shoot.

The first group of models are here, and the shoot has already began...